Thursday, May 28, 2015

Prepare for the Day That The Lord Has Made!

When you truly eat of the Word, you begin to understand. Jesus said " First His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Men do not seek after God; He seeks after them ~ Matthew 6:33. God chooses all to be His people, and all we have to do is accept this gift. More maybe asked of us but none is required. God's Mercy and Grace is Ours; freely given, freely received. There is no other work that has to be done. "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost" Luke 19:10. Our only work is to recognize His presence and rest in it; thus being salt and light for others. In this way, we live our salvation, we come to love ourselves and thus can love others.

In Rev. 22:12 Jesus said "My reward is with me and I will give to everyone according to what he has done" NIV. Not works as what the flesh does/has done; but what the spirit has done. We understand that He has chosen... His reward is with Him and they will be given to accordingly. In the New Living Translation, Rev. 12 states that Jesus will bring His reward and repay all the people according to his/her deeds. In the Catholic Bible, we read "Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to render to every man according to his works. And or, Look, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, to repay everyone as their deeds deserve." How are these different or the same? What we also can notice in all Rev. 22:12 is that Jesus comes with His reward which suggests that He has already chosen. What is reward? Are we to understand that it means some kind of thing as a 'fleshy' gift as some other religions believe? 

What gift could God give man on this earth that a fleshy man would understand??? Man in his fleshy being can only imagine it to be a thing. And that Jesus is going to pass it out like candy to those who deserve. This is man's thinking. That is why if you are not born again in the spirit, you cannot be saved. Until you are born again, born of the spirit, you will do works of the flesh. And, that is my point. In Matthew 7:21, the man pleads saying he did all the 'right' works and yet the Lord says "I do not know you." The point is as Paul said... not by man's works so that no one can boast. It means that if you go about looking for and doing works so that you may enter the kingdom of heaven, then you are mistaken as you are doing 'your' works not His. He ~ the Holy Spirit directs you. No one can judge and say "oh, look he/she does not work". We cannot be the judge of others nor ourselves for we do not know what the Holy Spirit intends for us or others. It may come at the end of their life... read the story of the vineyard. We must prepare for that day! Which means to be open to the Holy Spirit.

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