Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jesus is Calling ~ The Supermacy of Christ

The Fool says in his heart, "there is no God." Psalm 14

...are you still trying to make things go according to your will? If you keep trying to carry out your intentions while I am leading you in another direction, you deify your desires ~ Jesus is Calling

Jesus told them, "My message is not my own; it comes from God who sent me. Anyone who wants to do the will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own. Those who speak for themselves want glory only for themselves, but a person who seeks to honor the one who sent him speaks truth, not lies." John 7: 16-19

The Supremacy of Christ ~ "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers of rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together." COL 1: 15-18

What does it mean to be a child of God? It means that you have realized and embraced what it means to overcome the world... resting in His Presence; essentially the only 'work' that requires us to rest and not do. We are never judging others for that is work of the flesh. We work on ourselves, not through self condemnation for that too is work of the flesh but through forgiveness for this is work of the spirit. In this way, we are making ourselves accountable. We are not seeking from others to affirm our sin, but seeking forgiveness for our sin. With that forgiveness, we do not seek to sin any longer but to overcome sin.

Your joy is overcoming sin, overcoming this world as you seek salvation from sin. Your work is to rest in His Presence, by doing so, you are overcoming sin 'the flesh'... your flesh which includes your wicked heart which all are born with in this fallen world. This rest brings joy and peace to the wicked heart. This joy overcomes this world. This was made possible for us through the Supremacy of Jesus Christ.

Glory to God in the Highest, for He alone is the Holy One, He alone is the Lord, the Almighty Father of Heaven and Earth! Glory to God in the Highest, and peace to His people on Earth!

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