Monday, April 7, 2014

Living as Children of Light, Women's Role in God's Imagination

Women's Role in God's Imagination.
Paul told us that women and men surely have equal importance to God, they are His children. Paul said that men and women who are unmarried don't have to marry; they should stay unmarried. By doing so, they can then fully give themselves to the Lord our God, our Savior Jesus Christ.  Yet, if they cannot imagine living alone, they cannot imagine refraining from sex, and have the desire for children, they should marry.
When married, God gave man authority over his wife. Ephesians 5 tells us that Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
Many wives have a problem with this excerpt. They realize that life is about relationships but fail to realize God's order for relationships and in order to have a good or even great and wonderful relationship with their husband, they must first have a good relationship with the Lord which means recognizing and accepting His order. It is only through His order that we can all live as children of light; remaining in Him. Living in His order, allows men and women and husbands and wives to live together in love as children of light.
I observe and listen to wives today and they tend to think that they have no power and or no authority in their marriage. They despise having the authority of their husbands over them. Women need to embrace their role in God's order 'God's imagination' which gives them incredible authority in their marriage. You see, God gave women/wives an important role in social reality, to socialize the next generation including men/husbands. What? Yes, women bring forth new life and their infant's first encounter with social reality and role relationships is imparted by the mother. So, effectively, women/wives have been given a very important role in God's imagination- socializing men/husbands.


  1. The Feminists have completely torpedoed the power women once had and have handed them, instead, the lack of power men have had. Women have been the conduit of socialization to each generation. Every person born is who he/she is because of the mother who is the first person anyone has contact with. The Feminists are having their "daddy-issue" temper tantrum, they have sacrificed this amazing influence. I find it hilarious that these women, who all have men-issues - essentially want to be identical with men. Utterly illogical and therefore totally female.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I appreciate your strong position on the role of women in God's imagination. Women/wives are totally female, their illogical aspect of wanting to be made equal with men may stem from jealous as husbands have the closer relationship with God. Yes, they do. Husbands are over wives and husbands are under God. Husbands have a great role to play and many have shunned this role leaving wives/women thinking about marriage disillusioned about their role. Husbands should love their wives just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her to make her holy. Ep 5:25 As for women and men who don't marry. Their is no relationship between them as it is with husbands and wives. Men and women of Christ have a relationship with the Lord first and foremost. The interaction thus between men and women is equalized- as children of light.

    3. I would warn against women who devalue the choice made by Christian women to be wives.There are women today who preach to all women, including Christian women/wives, that their purpose is to be self determined and to make themselves equal by power and authority.
