Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Keeping the Marriage Bed Pure!

What does it mean to keep the marriage bed pure? You might even wonder why ask the question given it seems to have an obvious answer - don't sleep around, don't commit adultery. Yes and more than that.

Firstly, we need to remind ourselves that marriage is not a 'personal' pursuit of happiness nor should we expect to find 'true' happiness in the person we marry. Marriage is a godly union and a way to be in a godly relationship with another person and with God for the purpose of glorifying God. It is for this purpose that we honor and respect and commit ourselves to a godly union.

As Christians, we must realize that any ungodly indulging in the flesh takes away from a godly walk with the Lord. Marriage is a godly union and the marriage bed is the place where we best remind ourselves of our godly union, our godly commitment and godly bond to another. Yes, we do not indulge in the flesh in any ungodly way (even as a married couple) for fleshly pleasure. In a godly union, God allows for the use of the flesh as a spiritual vessel; in this way, we communion with God through godly union of our marriage with another godly person ... the one that God chose as our godly spouse. From this godly union, come children which are also for the purpose of God's Kingdom.

"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said, never will I leave you, never will I forsake you" ~ Hebrew 13:4.

Understand that keeping the marriage bed pure means to not let yourself or spouse be led astray by lewd images, by idols or the pursuit of material things that keep you from your marriage bed pure, by improper friendships as in flirtations and private meetings (in person or social media) to talk about things that should only be talked about with your spouse or pastor or parents.

This is the message we must impart to our children as they grow and desire to be married. Teach and remind them what godly marriage is and they will be happily married.

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