Thursday, December 10, 2015

How to be Discerning in these times?

How to be discerning in these times? When someone bases their thesis or thinking/belief on the Word of God = Bible, then you know that person is being led by the Holy Spirit. However, even those who think they know the Word of God must provide defense by showing in context of the scripture 3 times that their understanding is that of the true Gospel. What is that? The true Gospel asks only to love one another in Christ. To rest in His Peace and know that He saves - saves us from the sin of death and Thank God Jesus Christ died for our sins for we are sinful in our flesh as all flesh is corrupt! This is the Word of God and is found in the Gospel numerous times! There is no work we can do to be saved. It is His Will that be done, not ours! 

"Praise the Lord with His goodness, and for His wonderful works! Psalm 107:31

Who will be saved? Those that are called, chosen and faithful. What demonstrates this? Those that faithfully give Thanks and Praise to the Lord Jesus Christ in all things/for all things and share this message which is the true Gospel.This is all the work we are ever required to do.

For those who claim or boast that they are their own savior, or that their doctor saved them, that a new drug, or medical treatment saved them, that their education/professor saved them, that their new job saved them from financial ruin, that their hard work saved them, that their own view on the world saves/saved them as they see the Bible in their own eyes... those people are not 'yet' saved. All their work is for nothing!

"Praise the Lord O my soul, I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save." Psalm 146:1-3

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