Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Women's role as Mothers in God's Socialization!

So many women today ridicule men for being men. Yet, when you think about it, if they are not godly men then one could understand. If that is the case, then how did they become ungodly or rather why were they never encouraged to be godly men. Socialization begins at birth and isn't mother the main socialization instrument?  Yet, so if she had real influence over boys and young men then we should see better men, godly men, right?

In 1 Timothy 2 we read that men are to pray with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy. And, that women are not to teach men or have authority over them. Interesting... maybe this is the problem. Women are not to teach men. What about boys? In many cultures, mothers influence over boys ends around the age of 10 or 12. Does that mean that boys at that age are already men? No, but for some cultures it is a stage prior to manhood that has to be taken seriously.

In our current civilization, this is not the practice. Yes, in our western culture boys become men at 18 though 21 would be the wiser. All too often we find women are still teaching them and having authority over them. Yet, in 1 Timothy 2:15, we read that women should not be allowed to teach men. Following this scripture, God's Word, young men should move on to a college for men aspiring to be godly men or go into training provided by godly men.

But, you can say that is nearly impossible given that there aren't many godly men out there these days in higher education. Is that really true? In the paragraph above, one might say then that is true as women have continued to teach and have authority over young men and even older men considering our current social climate. But, it is difficult to say as only statistics could show. We could look at Christian colleges to see if the ratio men to women was lower and assume that this is the case. But, then we could even assume that in secular schools there could be godly Christian men though in plain sight might be hiding their faith so as not to be fired or appear intolerant to women.

You could make the argument that such was the case of boys leaving their mother and entering the company of men as was practiced years ago in early America and Europe and look what it got us... wars! That can be argued well. Yet, we also have to acknowledge that this is a fallen world and thus bad things happen. Given that bad things happen, we can make the better argument that God needs strong godly men as foot soldiers, godly men on the ground to battle for peace, and for His Kingdom come.

If men are to be men/godly men, then they must be trained as godly men by godly men and they will treat women/wives as the body of Christ. This teaching has to come from godly men guided by the Word of God! And though 1 Timothy is largely addressing orderly worship, we must be mindful that our entire life as a Christian is about and should be spent worshiping God, both in congregation and outside of congregation.

Women should know when to let their boys become godly men and thus they will become godly men and godly husbands, men who are called by God by His Word the Bible.

* Mothers can give their sons a wonderful gift too... God's Word the Bible!

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