Thursday, July 30, 2015

Hope is a Golden Cord

From time to time, I like sharing excerpts from Jesus is Calling by Sarah Young.

"Hope is a golden cord connecting you to heaven. This cord helps you hold your head up high, even when multiple trials are buffecting you. I never leave your side, I never let go of your hand. But without the cord of hope, your head may slump and your feet may shuffle as you journey uphill with ME. Hope lifts your persepctive from your weary feet to the glorious view you can see from the high road."

We must have hope in the future. What is that future? Is it a personal future where you get and have the house of your dreams, the job, the car, the boat, the clothes... No! It is a future designed by God. It is the New Jerusalem. It is the place for all futures, yours and mine.

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