Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Our walk with Christ is a Walk of Faith...

Jesus demonstrated God’s authority which as the Son of God, was to offer sinners mercy, compassion, grace and His love.  Jesus tells us and told the disciples the two most important commandments: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and then to love your neighbor as yourself.

When the disciples asked Lord how are we to love our neighbor. He told the parable of the good Samaritan… Think of that parable as a demonstration of God's entering into this fallen world into our darkened mind in order that we find Him and His truth which is the truth of our being; that in fact, we were created in His image and we are destined to live an eternal life in His Kingdom.

Bear in mind that God’s love is not the world’s love. Through His Son Jesus Christ, God the Father demonstrated the kind of love He offers and requires from us; mercy and compassion. We can understand this more than anything more than the love men engage in; because, God's mercy and compassion is what every fallen human beings wants more than anything in a fallen world.

Such love is freeing. It frees us from the chains of this fallen dark world… not the love man imagines… its not sex, its not money, nor toleration and perpetuation of sin as a kind of 'right'. Indeed, His mercy and compassion are freeing… we are free indeed in Jesus Christ. In this revelation, we sin no more. We live life abundantly in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are called to demonstrate God’s love to others… that is the mercy and compassion demonstrated by Christ as in the parable of the good Samaritan that Jesus spoke to the disciples. We can and should be the good Samaritan, we, as God did by sending His Son, enter into someone’s darkened life when a situation appears, and we can offer mercy and compassion as a way out of the darkness of this fallen world. 

Just as God did by sending His Son, just as Christ himself showed everyone He ministered to; and now, we having the Holy Spirit can do the same. Jesus said so. You can do these things and greater..."Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father" ~ John 14:12.

When we intervene into someone's life, we do not condemn. We deliver the truth of God’s Word and if someone rejects that truth, we can only shake the sand off and walk away lest the longer we stay on we end up joining in or losing the ground we established for ourselves in our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ and we also risk losing ground we might have gained for that person whom we intervened for regarding their decision to walk away from darkness. Each and every person must make that choice alone.

Do we judge? No! We discern 'evaluate' a situation; we offer mercy and compassion just as Christ did and we give them the Good News. We say there is another way, repent and follow Christ.  The discernment we make is as Christ's evaluation of a person in darkness…. Look around, you can see such people everywhere and from all social groups.

We who are born again in Jesus Christ should never want to leave someone in the darkest muck of things; and, so like the good Samaritan, we reach out to them. At first, they may accept our immediate help but when they hear that they need to repent (renew their mind…leave the drugs or alcohol or porn behind and sexual immorality behind) they may reject this offer of truth, light and life…

In the end of days, many will be given over to a reprobate mind. They have chosen darkness and to remain there even though the Good News, God’s love, His offering of mercy, compassion and grace is theirs for the taking, theirs for the living life abundant in Christ.

There will be occasions when we will have to move on… shake the sand from our shoes hoping those yet it darkness who refuse to hear will see the direction we go. Jesus went where there was faith. And, He healed where there was faith in Him that He could heal...would heal those that sought Him in faith.

Our walk with Christ is a walk of faith and we are only able to do that in a fallen world by the power of the Holy Spirit; we walk according to the Spirit, not according to the flesh.

Our first steps begin by asking Jesus into our hearts, then by reading His Word and giving thanks and praise to God for all His creation and especially us.  We thank God that though we are in this world, we are not of it. That He through His Son’s offering on the cross we have been given mercy and compassion and grace, we have been redeemed. Because, no matter how wicked, corrupt, evil, entropic the world is we know that He lives and we live in Him.

So, as scripture tells us… We do not love the world as the world does. We love what God created, though the world is still fallen, we love that He created all things seen and unseen, that He sent His Son, and most of all we love that He redeemed us through Christ His Son and we Love the Fact that He Jesus Christ is Coming back. We believe it!





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