A modern-day Ruth is the same Ruth from the Book of Ruth. She is not the Deborah warrior prophetess. Ruth was and is God's humble servant. How do we know and how does that truth found in God's Word help women of God today?
A modern-day Ruth is still a humble delicate vessel obedient unto her husband. And, that should get a look of surprise as it did then and now! But that is what God instructs women to be... we were created as Adam's helper not his keeper or fierce heroine. On the inside, we might be that but on the outside, as we see here in Ruth, we are humble servants of God's Will and His purpose for us which is to worship and glorify His Holy Name.
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That's the Ruth of the Old Testament at the feet of Boaz and its the modern-day Ruth as well. The Word of God never changes. Its the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Ruth humbled
herself. She was not the 'warrior' type. The warrior was Deborah and her story is for another blogpost.
Indeed, we all need encouragement but women must know that they have more inner strength that is their greatest attribute. When they have questions about scripture, they are to seek their husband and his understanding. That's what God instructs.
If they have any questions, they should ask their husbands at home, for it is improper for women to speak in church meetings.~ 1 COR 14:35. Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. Colossians 3:18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
1 Peter 3:7says... Husbands, in the same way, treat your wives with consideration as a delicate vessel, and with honor as fellow heirs of the gracious gift of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered. A wife is a delicate vessel on the outside as was Ruth... though strong on the inside in her humility through trusting God.
The world has women chasing after worldly things and this is NOT God's way for women. It was not in Ruth's time and it is not today.
Read God's Word for yourself and take nourishment from it alone. If you husband is not a godly man, use your obedience to God's Word to direct him in the path he must take which is the same obedience.
*You should see surprise in Boaz's face; firstly because, Ruth was a Moabite woman, from Moab. So, she was not initially worshiping the same God as Boaz. He did not expect her to behave as she did which was according to his Hebrew faith, the God of Abraham. Today's world does not expect women to be humble and so it will surprise many. That's being salt and light according to God's Will / His Way.
We must never be prideful and self willed thinking this kind of behavior is godly. I should hesitate to even describe Deborah as a 'warrior' type. She is bold in her ministry and only because God directed her path in that way to serve Him. Boldness is not necessarily being a warrior. In fact, Ruth was bold to lay at Boaz's feet and in her 'boldness' was a seen humility by Boaz and that was what blessed Ruth and even Boaz for recognizing it.
ReplyDeleteWe must never be prideful and self willed thinking that a warrior kind of behavior is godly. I should hesitate to even describe Deborah as a 'warrior' type for by doing so may suggest she was acted through as a self willed/determined person and that there is pride in that to be applauded. No. Deborah and Ruth were bold in their ministry and only because God directed their path in that way to serve Him. Boldness is not necessarily being a warrior. In fact, Ruth was bold to lay at Boaz's feet and in her 'boldness' was a seen humility by Boaz and that was what blessed Ruth and even Boaz for recognizing it.
ReplyDeleteAnd, when you read Judges 4 and 5, you will discover that Deborah did not wield a sword. Jael was the one who took up a tent peg... and for that she was called blessed among women ~ Judges 5:24.