Friday, February 12, 2016

Jesus Takes the Blind by the Hand!

Though hard wired to believe, this is a fallen world we are born in - as in predisposed to sin in our flesh. This is why Jesus tells us that we must be born again, born of the Spirit. Even in the moment of our spiritual birth, we may not see the Kingdom of God immediately. We may continue to see the world as the world defines it. Again, though we may be born again, or were blind and now see we must be mindful that this is a fallen world sin will always be attempting to creep back into our lives through images,symbols, agendas and the interactions we have with this world: politics, greed, lust, pride and selfishness... etc.

Read ~ Mark 8:24 Taking the blind man by the hand, Jesus brought him out of the village; and after spitting on his eyes and laying His hands on him, He asked him, "Do you see anything?" And he looked up and said, "I see men, for I see them like trees, walking around." Then again Jesus laid His hands on his eyes and he looked intently and was restored, and began to see everything clearly.…

What does that story mean for Christians? I see men, as trees walking; in that, he saw some objects at a little distance from him which, by their motion, he supposed to be men; thus, his sight was yet so imperfect that he could not have distinguished them from trees. He was capable of discerning the bulk of their bodies and that they walked or moved forward; but, he could not distinguish the particular parts of their bodies. They seemed to be like trunks of trees in an erect posture and which he should have took for such, had it not been for their walking.

As this man immediately, upon Christ's putting spittle on his eyes and laying hands on him, had sight given him. At first, it was very obscure and glimmering; so, as soon as ever the Gospel comes with power, it dispels the darkness of the mind and introduces light; though at first it is but very small. It is let in gradually. The sinner is first convinced of the evil of his actions and then of the sinfulness of his nature. He first sees the ability and suitableness of Christ as a Savior and after that comes a willingness and  interest in him as such; hence, this comes before he is so well acquainted with the dignity and infinite nature of his 'Jesus' person, as the Son of God. It is some time before he has his spiritual senses exercised to discern between good and evil, between truth and error or arrives to a clear and distinct knowledge of Gospel truths and a stability in them. Hence, it is that such are greatly harassed with Satan's temptations; they are disquieted in their souls and are filled with doubts and fears and are even in danger of being imposed upon by false teachers.

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